J M 酵母过滤机也是预涂过滤机的一种,是我公司消化吸收国外先进技术,专门研制的用于酵母脱水过滤的设备。具有自动化程度高、连续不间断作业、滤饼厚薄均匀等特点。
JM Yeast Filter is one kind of precoating filter. It is specialized in dewatering and filtering for yeast that we new developed with foreign advanced technology. It has the features of high automation degree, continuous operation and the thickness of filter cake is uniform.
在过滤物料前先把助滤剂(淀粉)喷涂到转鼓表面形成一定厚度的预涂层,然后在槽体上注入待过滤的酵母浆料,在真快抽吸的作用下,分离的滤液透过预涂层和滤布,经吸液管、集液管、汽水分离器排出,而浆料中的酵母颗粒被预涂层截留,由自动进给的刮刀不断卸料。当预涂层残留厚度小于9m m 时,需重新喷涂,进行下一个工作循环。
Before feeding the material, firstly painting the filter aid(starch) on the drum to form coating with certain thickness, then, inject the yeast pulp for being filtered. Under vacuum suction, the separated filtrate go through the coating and filter cloth, pipettes and collecting tube, then discharged from gas-liquid separator, meantime, the yeast particles is blocked by the coating and scraped down by the scraper. When the depth of precoating is lower than 9mm, paint again and enter into next working cycle.
★dewatering and filtering of edible yeast
★dewatering and filtering of brewing yeast
★dewatering and filtering of feed yeast
★dewatering and filtering of other yeast