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安丘翼鑫机械有限公司Anqiu Yixin Machinery Co., Ltd.不断推陈出新 致力于产品研发、更新和完善


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YT 型预涂过滤机是在借鉴国外同类产品先进技术基础上研制开发的过滤设备,是在普通转鼓过滤机的基础上,增设预涂技术的高效、精细固液分离设备。多元化的设计理念,精湛的制造工艺,使该产品在医药、食品与制糖等行业,都得到了广泛的应用。该产品主要适用于只要滤液,不要滤渣的生产需求。







YT precoat filter is super separator of solid and liquid on the basis of common drum filter and add precoating technology. Diversity design concept and super manufacturing process make it use widely in medicine, food and sugar industries. This product is mainly suitable for production only for the filtrate without residue.

■Custom service according to different requirement

■Use precoating technology, filtrate clarified degree is high, less solid content, high recovery rate

■advanced and reasonable structure, beautiful appearance

■Automatic scraper continuous discharge, high filtration efficiency

■Serial type system, easy to install and use

■Drum surface can have spray, materials more cleaner


YT 型转鼓过滤机工作原理与一般真空转鼓过滤机基本相同。主要区别在于YT 型过滤机在过滤前进行助滤剂(如硅藻土、珍珠岩等)的预涂。过滤时,槽内的助滤剂在真空抽吸作用下,在转鼓外表面形成所需厚度的预涂层,然后注入待过滤的浆料,在真空抽吸作用下分离的滤液透过预涂层和滤布,经吸液管,集液管,自动排放滤液缸(或汽液分离器)排出,而浆料中的固体颗粒被预涂层截留,由自动控制进给的机械刮刀连同硅藻土表层不断刮去。当预涂层残留厚度约为15mm 时,需重新进行预涂,进行下一个工作循环。

The working principle of YT precoat filter is same as that of vacuum drum filter. Main difference is that the YT precoat filter use filter aid (such as diatomite, perlite, etc.) as precoating before filtering. 

When filtering, under the effect of vacuum suction, aid in filter chest form coating on surface of drum with required thickness. Inject pulp needed filtration and then under the vacuum sution the filtrate go through precoating and filter cloth, through the pipettes, liquid collecting pipe, automatic discharge from filtrate tank (or vapor liquid separator), and the solid particles blocked precoating intercept and scraped with diatomite coat by automatic feeding mechanical scraper.


★各种糖液( 葡萄糖,麦芽糖,蔗糖等) 的过滤脱渣



★filter and deslagging of all kinds of liquid sugar (glucose, maltose, sucrose, etc.) 

★filter and deslagging of food and drink industries.

★filter and deslagging of Taylor drug and spectinomycin 



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